Vinyl Plank Floor Install
Updated: May 22, 2021
This is part 2 of our flooring update. After putting the new floating subfloor down, we debated on doing a high-grade carpet or ‘hard’ floor. We went with the vinyl plank for these key advantage:

scratch proof
ease of cleaning
ease of delivery
ease of install
While carpet, would have increased the floor warmth, it would have been hard to keep clean with all the traffic this room sees. This is where we store bikes, main entrance on travel days, and is a busy room in normal daily life. If we had gone carpet, it would have been a two-week order process and more expensive.

We also choice this specific color because of how well it matched the floors we had in all other areas of the RV. The color matches it almost perfect wh
ich makes the transition from one room to another.
Watch the video to see how the process went for us and let us know what you think!
